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Andrea Schmitt

Updated: Jun 25, 2024

Your teen’s Summer-Bucket-List 2023

Is your teen about to finish school? Are they eager on the one hand, but a bit nervous on the other about the school year ending and the long summer break coming up? Are they maybe also about to move country, to a new school or a new city?

What about looking ahead and planning the summer a little so the weeks do not simply fly by? That way, they’ll have all their ideas in one place! This is where the bucket-list idea comes in. (By the way, the term “bucket list” is linked to the expression “to hit the bucket”, which means “to die”. The original goal of having a bucket list was having an inventory of things you want to do before you die.)

They can make a “summer bucket list” with different categories and put a number before each. The idea is to make it as specific as possible:

1. Four friends and family members I want to see (name names)

2. Three places I want to visit (a chocolate museum, a city park, and the beach)

3. Ten types of food I want to eat/cook

4. Two books I want to read

5. One art project I want to make (a vision board for my room, tie-dye a t-shirt…)

6. Seven activities I want to do (a night bike ride, sitting by the lake during sunrise…)

7. One course I want to do (online or in-person)

8. Have an unusually flavored ice-cream

The list can be as long or short as they want, the purpose is NOT that they have to cross ALL off by the end of the summer. The vision is just to have their thoughts in one place because they tend to get done more easily if we write things down. The list is just a guideline and can be shortened, lengthened, and re-used for your next break.

So, it is in their hands to avoid the notion that the summer will just go by. This is the time to make summer 2023 unique and memorable, and here is a Summer-Bucket-List for her to print out!

Wishing you and your kids an enjoyable summer 2023!!

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